The benefits of producing management accounts

Sep 23, 2024 | Uncategorized

We all want our businesses to run like a well-oiled machine, don’t we? But without a clear, up-to-date picture of how everything’s going, it can feel like driving with one eye shut. That’s where management accounts come in. They’re not just for big corporate outfits—they’re something every business can benefit from, no matter the size or trade.

Here’s the thing: relying solely on your annual accounts or tax return to understand your business’s performance is like fixing a leak with a bucket—you’ll catch some water, but you won’t solve the problem. We know you’re working hard day in and day out, so having something to give you regular insights can make all the difference.

Understanding the numbers without the wait

Let’s face it: no one likes waiting, especially when it comes to knowing how the business is doing. Traditional annual accounts are great but take a long time to prepare. By the time they’re ready, things might’ve changed significantly. That’s where management accounts step up. We’re talking real-time information—monthly or quarterly—so you know exactly how you’re performing now, not looking at what happened six months ago.

For instance, imagine you’ve got an over-budget job, and you’re unaware of it until it’s too late. Regular management accounts would’ve flagged it early, giving you a heads-up to course-correct.

According to a study by Xero, businesses that keep on top of their finances with regular updates are 50% more likely to grow than those that don’t. It’s not just about the numbers—it’s about making timely decisions that move the business forward.

Boosting cashflow

Cash is king, right? It’s no good having a load of invoices outstanding if there’s nothing in the bank to pay suppliers or staff. With management accounts, you get a detailed breakdown of your cashflow situation—where your money’s tied up, what’s coming in, and what’s going out. Knowing this regularly means you can plan ahead, sort out any potential cashflow issues, and avoid those tricky conversations with the bank.

In fact, research from QuickBooks suggests that 60% of small businesses struggle with cashflow, which often leads to unnecessary borrowing or missed opportunities. With proper management accounts, we can make sure you’re part of the 40% that’s in control of their finances.

Spotting trends early

Do you know what’s even better than solving a problem? Not having one in the first place! Management accounts help spot trends and issues before they become major headaches. Is one of your products or services not pulling its weight? Are certain customers always paying late? By keeping a close eye on your management accounts, you can see these patterns early and make the necessary changes.

It’s not just about catching problems either. Management accounts also show you where you’re smashing it—so you can double down on what’s working. Whether it’s a specific service bringing in more profit than expected or a customer becoming a repeat client, these insights are like a business superpower.

Better budgeting and forecasting

Let’s be honest, most of us aren’t the biggest fans of budgeting. But when it comes down to it, having a clear financial plan is essential for success. Management accounts make this process a whole lot easier. By regularly looking at your income and expenses, you can set more accurate budgets and create forecasts based on real, up-to-date information.

According to Sage, businesses that use regular financial reporting are 25% more likely to meet or exceed their financial targets. It’s like having a map—you’ll get where you’re going faster and with fewer wrong turns. Plus, when unexpected expenses come up (and they always do), you’ll be better prepared to handle them without breaking a sweat.

Giving you peace of mind

Running a business can be stressful, no doubt about it. But having the right tools to keep everything on track makes it a lot easier. Management accounts give you that peace of mind—whether it’s knowing you’re staying profitable or being able to make informed decisions quickly. And that, my friend, is priceless.

Not only will you feel more confident in how things are going, but you’ll also have the information you need at your fingertips for important meetings, whether with the bank, potential investors, or even your own team. You’ll be seen as the savvy business owner who knows their stuff—and that’s something we can all get behind.

Wrapping it all up

So, why wait until the end of the year to find out how your business is really doing? With regular management accounts, you’ll stay ahead of the game, improve cashflow, catch potential issues before they snowball, and make smarter decisions based on real-time data. It’s a no-brainer if you ask us.

At For the Trade, we’re passionate about helping businesses like yours thrive. We offer tailored management accounts services to give you insight into making the best decisions for your business. Whether you’re just starting or looking for ways to grow, we’ve got your back.

Looking at producing management accounts? Give us a shout to keep your business moving in the right direction.

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